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  • Compras sostenibles - Esquema PHVA

    En esta sección, se presentan los recursos desarrollados bajo el esquema PHVA (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar, Actuar), con el objetivo de que los miembros de la Red Global de Hospitales Verdes y Saludables y demás personas interesadas puedan encontrar guías y orientaciones para cada una de las etapas, desde la planeación hasta la comunicación de los resultados y los logros mediante la generación de informes.
  • Greening the Brussels healthcare sector

    HCWH Europe coordinated the project Greening the Brussels healthcare sector – a collaboration with six hospitals in Brussels. The first phase of the project. was divided into two pillars: Build knowledge and capacity amongst healthcare workers on topics such as climate change, circular economy, and sustainable food. Work with six pilot hospitals to support them in developing sustainability action plans.
    COCOM meeting
  • Procure4Health

    The Procure4Health project is a growing community of European Health organisations interested in procurement of innovation.
  • Sustainable Procurement Index for Health

    The Sustainable Procurement Index for Health (SPIH) is a globally established, recognised and adaptable procurement measurement tool. You can access the tools here
  • Case study: Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

    Aarhus University Hospital offers an example of circular procurement applied to the healthcare sector and demonstrates that it is not necessarily more expensive to set recycling and environmental criteria in tenders.
  • Case study: AQuAS, Spain

    The Catalan Region makes use of Pre-Commercial Procurement procedures to research and develop innovative solutions that contribute to societal unmet needs like Antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • Programa de capacitación en compras sostenibles en establecimientos de salud

    Las compras sostenibles pueden considerarse como la instancia previa de revisión y evaluación que evita y previene el impacto en el ambiente y en la salud de las personas, el personal y la comunidad en general. Esto comprende una evaluación exhaustiva de los productos, bienes y servicios demandados, lo que implica analizar no sólo los aspectos médicos y técnicos, sino también los impactos ambientales y sociales de los productos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.
  • Safer Chemicals

    Hospitals and health systems are reducing harmful chemicals and building safe healing environments for patients, staff, and the communities they serve.
  • Sustainable Procurement

    Every day, health care organizations make choices about the products and services they use, from medications, food, and hospital supplies, to the energy source used for lighting and powering operating rooms. Our collective purchasing power can shape the marketplace, increase demand for sustainable products, and embrace our broader healing mission.More than 70% of emissions from the health care sector are primarily derived from the health care supply chain – the production, transport, use, and disposal of goods and services that the sector consumes. – “Health care climate footprint report” by Health Care Without Harm and ArupThe COVID-19 crisis exposed the fragility and vulnerability of our global supply chains. It also has given us an opportunity to move toward localized supply chains that not only reduce environmental harm but also provide local business opportunities and jobs.When deciding on products and services, health care organizations should consider...
  • Waste Management

    Hospitals generate millions of tons of waste each year. Waste is complex, expensive to manage, and a common challenge for health care organizations. We draw from best practices from hospitals across the country and the world to provide a wealth of tools and resources for health care to minimize the volume of waste generated, reduce the toxicity of waste by making smarter purchasing decisions upstream, and properly segregate and recycle waste.