Filter Search Search Content Type - Select -EventNews PostPageResource Focus Area - Select -AdaptionAir PollutionBuildingsCampaignsChemicalsClimate ChangeCommunicationsEnergyFoodLeadershipMitigationNetworksPharmaceuticalsPlasticsPressProcurementResilienceSustainabilityTrainingWasteWater Region - Select -EuropeGlobalLatin AmericaSoutheast AsiaUS & Canada Showing 67 results Skip to filters Anaesthetic gases | Fostering Low Carbon Healthcare in Europe Identifying opportunities for further engagement on climate-related issues, including the specific… Climate Change Resilience Adaptation Air Pollution Mitigation Networks Europe Reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare through sustainable procurement HCWH Europe’s latest factsheet provides case studies and recommendations for hospitals and health… Climate Change Resilience Sustainability Adaptation Air Pollution Mitigation Networks Europe A system-level commitment to net zero emissions NHS England’s latest campaign For a greener NHS will aim to balance any emissions generated through… Adaptation Air Pollution Climate Change Energy Mitigation Resilience Networks Europe NHS England commits to net-zero emissions by 2040 England’s National Health Service has become the first health system in the world to make a… Adaptation Air Pollution Climate Change Energy Mitigation Resilience Networks Europe Call for partners: Looking for national health ministries/systems to join Operation Zero Interested national health systems will join our groundbreaking project that aims to put the… Adaptation Air Pollution Climate Change Energy Mitigation Resilience Networks Europe HCWH’s new global road map for zero emissions healthcare Health Care Without Harm presents its Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization, the first… Adaptation Air Pollution Climate Change Energy Mitigation Resilience Networks Europe Fourteen European healthcare providers commit to reaching net-zero by 2050 These healthcare providers have joined Race to Zero, a global campaign to rally leadership and… Adaptation Air Pollution Climate Change Energy Mitigation Resilience Networks Europe Three health authorities pave the way for zero emissions healthcare Health Care Without Harm Europe is partnering with three national and regional health authorities to… Adaptation Air Pollution Climate Change Energy Mitigation Resilience Networks Europe Healthcare decarbonisation toolkit: Experiences from the Mediterranean region Our latest publication aims to facilitate the integration of climate action into healthcare planning… Climate Change Resilience Adaptation Air Pollution Mitigation Networks Europe Seven European countries commit to developing climate resilient, sustainable low-carbon health systems Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and the United Kingdom have announced… Climate Change Resilience Adaptation Air Pollution Mitigation Networks Europe Accelerating healthcare decarbonisation in the Mediterranean The publication presents three main recommendations for policymakers to build a resilient, zero… Climate Change Resilience Adaptation Air Pollution Mitigation Networks Europe Interview | Leading the decarbonisation of Mediterranean healthcare We spoke to María José Mora about developing the new Healthcare decarbonisation toolkit, now… Climate Change Resilience Adaptation Air Pollution Mitigation Networks Europe Skip to filters Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page Next Last page Last