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  • Just transition

    Integrating public health into this framework can contribute to a democratized vision of a Just Transition that is tightly bound to community health, social equity, and planetary survival. To accomplish this, Just Transition needs to be examined from a service systems perspective – one that emphasizes health care and wellbeing. This will ascertain the interlinkages between human health and planetary health, social well-being, prosperity, justice, and equity.
  • US & Canada Regional Home Page

    Health Care Without Harm seeks to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental impact, becomes a community anchor for sustainability, and a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.
  • Campaign and advocacy guide

    This Campaign and advocacy guide is a powerful resource for health care professionals who want to…

  • Guía de campaña y promoción

    Esta guía de campaña y promoción es un poderoso recurso para profesionales de la salud que deseen…

  • Climate mitigation

    The Climate Action Playbook highlights a wide range of mitigation initiatives implemented by U.S. Health Care Climate Council members.The challengeScientific reports have emphasized the urgent need for all sectors of society to take swift, meaningful action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and transition to a 100 percent clean energy economy. Without a rapid transformation to a low carbon society, the health threats of a warmer planet will grow increasingly severe and more numerous, especially for the most vulnerable members of our communities. Alternatively, moving away from dirty fossil fuels to renewable energy promotes cleaner air and water, which generate immediate health benefits.Operating 24/7, hospitals are among the most energy-intensive commercial buildings in the country, using 2.5 times the energy of a typical office building. The footprint of the hospital is vast, ranging from...
  • América Latina

    La misión de Salud sin Daño es transformar el sector de la salud para que reduzca su huella ambiental, se convierta en un punto de referencia para la comunidad en materia de sostenibilidad y en un líder global del movimiento por la salud y la justicia ambiental.
  • Air pollution and health

    Air pollution is a public health emergency. Health Care Without Harm works with health care professionals to help raise community awareness on the health impacts of air pollution and advocate for better policies.
  • La contaminación del aire y la salud

    La contaminación del aire constituye una emergencia de salud pública. La simple acción de respirar aire contaminado durante períodos prolongados puede generar múltiples problemas de salud, tanto crónicos como agudos. Salud sin Daño trabaja con profesionales de la salud para concientizar a las comunidades respecto de los impactos de la contaminación del aire sobre la salud y para promover mejores políticas en esta área.