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  • Tristan Coubères - Climate Officer

    Tristan Coubères - Climate Officer
  • Programa de mentoría para la incidencia de profesionales de la salud en la acción climática

    El Programa de mentoría para la incidencia de profesionales de la salud en la acción climática es una capacitación estratégica y un asesoramiento especializado para profesionales de la salud a cargo del equipo de Salud sin Daño América Latina junto con mentoras y mentores especialistas en temas de cambio climático, combustibles fósiles y comunicación e incidencia política.
  • Statement of Commitment – Breathing for a Brighter Tomorrow: Health and Climate Advocates Unite for Clean Air in the Philippines

    On the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies in September 2023, healthcare professionals and climate advocates in the Philippines have come together to address the urgent issue of air pollution by signing a Statement of Commitment. This statement acknowledges the devastating impact of air pollution on the health of Filipinos. The group commits to raising awareness, conducting research, and advocating for policies to combat air pollution. They call upon the government to update air quality standards, enforce regulations, improve air quality monitoring, mandate health assessments for development projects, and transition to clean energy sources. Their goal is to make clean air a fundamental right for all Filipinos. They invite everyone to join them in this crucial movement by signing up and showing their support for this Statement of Commitment.
  • AMR EDUCare project

    The AMR EDUCare project develops educational materials for health professionals to reduce the spread of and exposure to antimicrobial resistance.
    AMR EDUcare
  • RISE South East Asia Alliance for Health and Climate

    The health sector has a unique opportunity to combat climate change because it is well positioned to understand the health impacts of climate change and take action to protect public health. Today, the voices of health workers become even more critical in promoting actions that address climate change and its impacts on health. Health professionals are both trusted communicators and important actors in the mitigation of this climate catastrophe. With a mandate to protect people's health and prioritize patient safety, dignity, and comfort, health professionals are duty-bound to speak out about the serious global health risks posed by climate change.This is precisely why RISE Southeast Asia Alliance for Health and Climate (RISE) was launched...
  • Leveraging the power of procurement

    What you buy matters, your food purchasing decisions can transform the supply chain so that it reflects the values of health, equity, and environmental stewardship.Your purchases can help:Invest in strong regional food economies that promote nutrition security and build community health, wealth, and climate resilience.Support farmers and food producers who use less resource- and carbon-intensive production practices such as growing plant-based foods, and using regenerative and organic agriculture in order to grow resilient food systemsOvercome supply chain challenges, ensuring adequate inventory even during emergencies and supply chain disruptionsSupport the growth of food and farm businesses owned by people of color which increases equity in the food system and strengthens community wealth and health.Design and implement a healthier food purchasing programAct nowMany leading health systems are partners of Practice Greenhealth, our membership organization. Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth provide...
  • Programa de capacitación en compras sostenibles en establecimientos de salud

    Las compras sostenibles pueden considerarse como la instancia previa de revisión y evaluación que evita y previene el impacto en el ambiente y en la salud de las personas, el personal y la comunidad en general. Esto comprende una evaluación exhaustiva de los productos, bienes y servicios demandados, lo que implica analizar no sólo los aspectos médicos y técnicos, sino también los impactos ambientales y sociales de los productos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.
  • Mandy Stephens - Acting Director of Operations

    Mandy Stephens - Director of Operations
  • Carbon management mentoring programme

    HCWH Europe's mentoring programme continues to support hospitals in Spain to integrate climate action into their healthcare planning.
    group of doctors talking
  • Priority chemicals of concern reference

    From Antimicrobials to Phthalates, and everything in between, learn which toxic chemicals are priorities to avoid, why they are dangerous, and alternative products and solutions.
  • Health Care Culinary Contest: Official rules

    Official rules for the Health Care Culinary Contest.
  • How to participate in the Health Care Culinary Contest

    How to participate in the Health Care Culinary Contest